My Camera and I
I wanted to share my enduring bond with the camera. Some may label me as a photographer, and many inquire if I still engage in photography. So, I thought I'd jot down a journal entry chronicling my journey with my camera over the years.
My first foray into photography began with disposable cameras, those nostalgic relics where you had to eagerly await the developed prints. Throughout high school, I religiously carried one, immortalizing countless memories. I became known as the girl with the camera, accumulating boxes brimming with cherished moments.
Transitioning to the digital realm was inevitable, and my spring flip phone served as my maiden digital camera. Amidst the rudimentary technology, I honed my skills, learning about angles, composition, and gradually becoming comfortable both behind and in front of the lens. Eventually, I upgraded to a compact Sony point-and-shoot, delving deeper into day-to-day photography, exploring editing software, and occasionally venturing into professional shoots. Its portability was a boon, allowing me to effortlessly capture moments during travels or urban escapades.
Seeking further advancement, I acquired my first DSLR, the Nikon D300, with its rapid continuous shooting and enhanced control. Yet, its bulky frame posed challenges in integrating it seamlessly into my daily life. What once was a leisurely hobby morphed into a quasi-professional pursuit, dampening my enthusiasm.
Photography, to me, is a passion driven by pure love. However, the cumbersome nature of the DSLR led to a disconnection. I found solace in journalistic photography, relishing in candid moments that narrated stories. But wielding such a conspicuous camera felt antithetical to my ethos of discreet observation, causing a temporary withdrawal.
Currently, I'm on a hiatus from professional photography, reverting to my trusty iPhone 7 Plus. Its exceptional camera capabilities, coupled with versatile apps, have reignited my creative spark. Now, my sights are set on the Sony A7 Mark II, a compact yet powerful camera that promises to seamlessly blend professional-grade performance with portability. My aspiration is to recapture the essence of storytelling through my lens.
As inquiries about my photography flood my Instagram, and friends seek impromptu photoshoots, I've distilled some basic tips:
Eye Level: Align your perspective with your subject, whether it's a child or an adult, to capture a natural, candid vibe.
Angles: Experiment with different angles while maintaining symmetry and avoiding excessive tilting for a balanced composition.
Lighting: Embrace natural light to set the mood and ambiance of your photo.
Focus: Take your time to ensure clarity and precision, utilizing auto-focus when necessary.
Editing: Enhance your photos with filters and adjustments to achieve your desired aesthetic.
Though my photography website awaits a relaunch, I'm pondering its revival. Stay tuned for updates!

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