Third time in one year back in Haiti. We were here just a few a months and Angela must of liked it so much we came running back. We got to visit different places, this time, around, with the new friends we made we were able to visit O-Kap. This was my first time just like Angela to that side of Haiti. We took a small place from Puerto Prince to go to O-Kap.Its a really small plane just be prepared. You can drive but around that time when we were out there it was elections and the people of Haiti were not to happy with the results so some people where blocking roads to get a point across. Anyway, point is you can drive. I had a blast in O-Kap. I got to zipline in Labadee. We visited the spot where tourists go, where the cruises stop. When I was younger I got on the cruise that stopped at Labadee but my have they made major improvements. We had a great day over there, zip lined across the beach, eat amazing food, and just relaxed. we Stayed at the Cormier Hotel I believe. Its beautiful and has its own beach as well. Afterwards, When we returned to our hotel in Wahoo.
We did the Sunday ritual where different groups of friends jump on a boat for a day and meet at a point where the water is shallow and just dance, eat and mingle all day till the sun comes down, then the party continues at someone's house. I can get used to living like that. Might have to retire and live there just like my parents did. I also noticed that we often go to vacation and get to see the beauty of places and remain in the resort forgetting about the forgotten. These beautiful countries and Carribean we visit have a whole side of people living and places to visit. Most of all families who just want a hug or a new pair of shoes. The next time you travel take time out and go next door to the resort, visit and orphanage or just give a family on the street a gift from the heart. I think it’s important to not always to feel the need to give only to charities or just fundraisers to help a country or Haiti in this case but to just do it when no one is looking. Angela and I traveled a lot these past few months and especially to Haiti. Yes, my parents birth country :)! She fell in love. Of course traveling with her was a totally different and new experience in Haiti. But I’m glad I was able to show her a few things.
We were able to visit two orphanages that were smaller and less funded and another huge orphanage that is well established with help from the US as well. It just was a blessing to be able to visit and chill with the children. When we went back Angela and I decided to get the kids some toys. She was like Santa lol the kids surrounded us. It was something I will never forget. Can’t wait to go back again.
We are soooo proud of you!
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