Victoria's Secret: Green Tea


Random my middle name is Victoria. People call me Vicky, well close family. But thats where the Victoria's Secret comes from. I wanted to share with you all one of my dear secrets: GREEN TEA.

I drink Green tea at least one a day. It all started on me trying to get my skin right but after drinking it everyday I noticed a big difference in my skin and health. I suffer from dark circles and always looking for ways to get rid of them. I used to spend to much on products and decided imma do it myself. I stumbled upon green tea while doing research.

  1. Promotes Healthy Gums and Teeth. Beneficial to Oral Health
  2. Fat Burner. It targets that belly fat Ladies and GENTS. lol

Check these at home remedies out that you should try at home. These are my youtube fav picks. That I do once in a blue and love it.

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