How I Became A Personal Assistant to Angela Simmons
In the beginning, I started out as just an intern working Angela Simmons first fashion show where she showed pieces styled from her online boutique site: I worked so hard that day and the show including three other interns who worked on Angela's team. It was a vibrant show full of so many people, celebrities and fashion experts alike, I just remember that day as a wonderful experience. We all interacted with Angela on a small level, taking care of the backstage needs, models, set ups and fittings. By the end of the night, I was asked to come back tomorrow in the AM to join Angela on set for 106&Park. I was ecstatic for the opportunity jumping up and down on the inside and it came with perfect timing. I had just graduated from college and was seeking a job. With time on my hands and a degree in my back pocket I immediately said YES and showed up the next day eager and ready. A sudden change happened with my commitment being put into action and from that day forth I was by Angela’s side almost 365 days out of a year! Ok, Ok, I'm definitely exaggerating but I eventually soon after became her personal assistant.
Growing up watching TV shows I always thought “I want to work for Diddy” or cherished the candid life of assistants on Rachel Zoe Project. I always wondered how someone could become an assistant? I secretly wished I could do it. Once I made the decision that the TV would become my reality I said I can do this, and I want to do this. But never in a million year’s did I imagine it could happen to me. I was astonished by the opportunity and began working. Never the less working for three years as Angela Simmons assistant. I wrote this hoping to share to share my behind the scenes story so that someone eager to succeed and looking up to those who have accomplished their goals could be just like me. The possibly of making a difference and also helping someone who may have the opportunity in front of them but just doesn’t know their potential. Yes, I was just a fan like you before I worked for her. I used to always tell my friends I love everything about her, her work ethic and relaxed style and how I want to grow up to be like her. I will try to keep this short but the ultimate lesson to my story is “you never know who the next person is, treat everyone right and give a 100% kindness, or service whatever it is… give it your all”
My Dad is a holistic doctor and he see’s patients from all over the world. I must say myself he is kind of a “rock star” in the health world! And not just cause he’s my Dad Lol or some say he’s an angel. One day out of no where Angela Simmons was referred to him, she was seeking a natural doctor at the time. Ms. Simmons calls the office and I happen to be working she wanted an appointment and she was raving about how someone told her about my Dad. Until this day, my Dad doesn’t even remember who recommended Angela to him. Unknowingly speaking to her while I’m working the front desk as a receptionist trying to schedule this important appointment for her. She had a familiar voice on the phone that I didn’t recognize until I asked for her name. I was in shock! I’m surprised I schedule her appointment correctly after knowing who she was and being so nervous. The day came, and she definitely showed up. Being a fan and had never met her before I made sure I worked that day of her appointment. Of course, I kept my cool, I never like hovering over public figures. But she seemed cool. Little did I know or did she know that she would see me again. By the way, I was putting in hours working at my Dad's clinic for side money while interning and doing my own crafts until I found a job I loved.
Months pass and my Dad showcased his skills as usual obviously because he was her official Doctor. Go POP’S! (Side note: My Dad had no idea who Angela Simmons was).They always say it’s about taking opportunities. And that I did. Following Angela Simmons on social media, I noticed her promoting her fashion show. I took my opportunity at the right time. I told my Dad to let her know I’ll intern and do whatever is needed for the fashion show. Eager at heart and quick on my feet I jumped at the prospect to work on the show.
She provided an email to her operations manager at the time so I can send my resume. (MOST IMPORTANT INFO 1: USE YOUR CONNECTIONS, they are CONNECTIONS for a reason) I sent my resume quickly. The waiting game began; I didn’t receive a response for two days. Longest two days of my life lol so I followed up. (MOST IMPORTANT INFO 2: Always FOLLOW UP) Following up shows interest and determination. Finally, a day before the event I received a response, I got an interview and was the intern for my first gig. Moral of story everyone you meet matters. If my Dad wasn't good to the patient that told Angela about him, I would not be where I was. You never know who that next person knows. You can be sitting next to Obama’s cousin and just a simple kind gesture may make a difference. I think everyone should be treated equally. From the poor and the rich. You will be surprised how small this world is. Be kind. Work hard at everything you do. Someone is always watching.
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